These are the heroes with the passion to transform their communities

Our Partners

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Haki Rasilimali

HakiRasilimali is a platform of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) incorporated as a non-profit company under the Companies Act of 2002.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Forum CC

FORUMCC operates as the national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) network on Climate Change. It is a non-for profit, member-based - of over 80 diverse organizations across Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Tanzania Youth Vision Association (TYVA)

TanzaniaYouthVisionAssociation (TYVA) is a youth-led, non-partisan, non-profit, and non-governmental and membership based organization founded in 29th July 2000.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Youth Partnership Countrywide (YPC)

Youth Partnership Countrywide - YPC Tanzania, is a non-governmental organization that exists to empower the youth for increased youth participation and influence in political.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Action Aid Tanzania (AAT)

We are an associate member of ActionAid International Federation which is a global justice organization working to achieve social justice, gender equality and eradication of poverty.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Policy Forum (PF)

PolicyForum is incorporated as a Non-Governmental Organization with registration number NGO/R2/00015. PolicyForum (PF) is a network of over 60 Tanzanian civil society organizations established in 2003.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Tanzania Communication Services Users Forum(TCSUF)

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Lawyers Environmental Action Team (LEAT)

Lawyers'EnvironmentalActionTeam (LEAT) is a non-governmental and not for profit-making environmental management and protection organization in Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Frriedrich Elbert Stuftung (FES)

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation is the oldest political foundation in Germany. A foundation usually serves all people.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania

— Kijana Angaza

Shirika la Kijana Angaza Tanzania (SHIKIATA) is a not-for-profit sharing organization registered in Tanzania under the NGO Act of 2002.